アクロカンソサウルス Acrocanthosaurus オーストラリア恐竜大陸













英文読み方: アクロカンソソーラス ak-ro-kan-tho-saw-rus
恐竜名意味:High spined Lizard

Saurischia / Theropoda / Tetanurae / Carnosauria /

Family: Allosauridae

First Descrived: 1950 / Found: North America: USA  /

Length 12 m / Weight 2 4 t

Food: Meat
Young: Eggs / Lived: Early Mid Cretaceous 125~112 mya

Down in the bed of the Poluxy River, near Glen Rose in Texas in the United States, two sets of footprints show that Acrocanthosaurus was tracking its next meal. Its prey, according to the second set of prints, preserved in the fine sediments of the Glen Rose Formation, was a Pleurocoelus, a giant sauropod. The prints reveal something of the hunting habits of the giant meat eater. They also show that the sauropods had developed a defence strategy, with the largest animals on the outside of the herd like a herd of buffalo in which the big bulls protect the cows and young from lions.
During Early to Mid Cretaceous times, in what is now the south-western part of the United States.
Acrocanthosaurus was close to being a top predator. It had huge teeth with long roots. The teeth were slightly curved but thin and, unlike those of Tyrannosaurus, probably broke quite easily. The broken tooth was then shed and another one grew in its place. The meat eater had powerful arms with sharp claws. It was a perfectly balanced hunter, with a strong, muscular back, and it ran on its bind legs. The 60 cm high spines over the bones of the back would have supported huge muscles.





このページは、T-REXが2007年12月 9日 11:52に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「コエロフィシス Coelophysis オーストラリア恐竜大陸」です。

次のブログ記事は「アルゼンチノサウルス Argentinosaurus  オーストラリア恐竜大陸」です。


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