アンハングエラ Anhanguera オーストラリア恐竜大陸





英文読み方:アンハンギュラ an-han-gwer-ah
恐竜名意味:Old Devil

Pterosauria Pterodactyloidea Family: Anhangueridae
First Found 1985 Found South America: Brazil Wingspan 5.5m Weight 20kg
Food Fish, carrion Young Eggs Lived Early Cretaceous 111-100 mya

Imagine a creature with a 5 m wingspan and a head twice the length of its body. Bizarre to say the least! More than 110 million years ago, however, there was just such a creature, and scientists gave it the apt name of 'Old Devil' or Anhanguera, an evil spirit feared by the Tupi Indians of north eastern Brazil.
Anhanquera was a fish eater and probably caught its food as it flew over the warm inland sea that was present in northern Brazil at that time. Anhanquera's skull was 50 cm long and slimly built, rather like that of a pelican.
The jaws were deep and there was a distinct crest above the snout. There may have been another smaller crest beneath the lower jaw. Both crests would have helped to hold the head steady during flight. Strangely, the back legs of Anhanguera were splayed outwards away from the body and the hips were quite tiny. This means that, when it was on the ground, Anhanguera would have had to struggle along on all fours.




このページは、T-REXが2007年12月 9日 12:00に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「アルゼンチノサウルス Argentinosaurus  オーストラリア恐竜大陸」です。

次のブログ記事は「カマラサウルス Camarasaurus オーストラリア恐竜大陸」です。


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