ディアトリマ Diatryma オーストラリア恐竜大陸

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世界共通発音:ダイアトライマ dye-ah-try-mah

命名意味:Terror Crane



Aviale(Aves) / Neornithes(Modern Birds) / Diatrymiformes

First Discribed: 1876 / Found: North AmericaUSA ; EuropeFrance, Germany

/ Height: 3m / Weight: 150kg / Food: Meat,Plants / Young:Eggs

/ Lived: Palaeocene-Middle Eocene 6548 million years ago



When the dinosaurs became extinct, other animals took advantage of the new opportunities for feeding that opened up at the beginning of the Age of Mammals, 65 million years ago. Birds were some of the first to benefit from the new world order, particularly these giant Terror Cranes. For many years it was assumed that these huge creatures, with their massive heads and vicious bills, took over the role of their distant cousins, the medium‑sized, meat‑ eating dinosaurs.


Some 80 per cent of modern birds are supposed to have evolved during the Palaeocene‑Eocene period, and Diatryma was one of  the first. It was a flightless bird similar in form to an ostrich or a Moa, but was probably much heavier than either. It may have trapped and killed small to medium‑sized mammals for food.

Diatryma was a fast runner and once it had caught its victim, could hold it on the ground with its large clawed feet. One savage blow with its enormous beak would have been enough to still its' prey. Recently, some scientists have argued that Diatryma was not a meat eater at all, but this is still to be proved.


DiatrymaSize.JPG ________________________________


Nice site you have



このページは、T-REXが2007年12月15日 12:32に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「ディノニクス Deinonychus オーストラリア恐竜大陸」です。

次のブログ記事は「ドロマエオサウルス Dromaeosaurus  オーストラリア恐竜大陸」です。


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