ホマロセファレ Homalocephale オーストラリア恐竜大陸




世界共通発音:ホマロセファレ ho-mal-oh-seph-ah-le

命名意味: Even Head
Ornithischia / Genaria / Cerapoda
/ Marginocephalia / Pachycephalosauria
/ Family: Homalocephalidae
/ First Described: 1974 / Found: Asia: Mongolia
/ Length: 3m / Weight: 225kg
/ Food: Plants / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Late Cretaceous 76-68 mya

This odd, rather small dinosaur was found in Mongolia in 1969. It was the first bone-headed dinosaur to be discovered with its skull. Until it was found, the bone-headed dinosaurs were known only through parts of skulls. This was probably because they are likely to have lived in dry, upland areas where the more delicate bones of the skeletons were destroyed before they could be buried and preserved.
The skull of Homalocephale was 15 cm thick, but unlike that of Pachycephalosaurus the skull roof was flat. Most scientists attribute this feature to a herding way of life with the large males using their heads as battering rams during battles over territory or females.
The spine of Homalocephale was quite rigid and the hips broadly spaced. These features, together with widely spaced back legs and a rigid tail, helped Homalocephale withstand the enormous shockwaves generated in battle. It has also been suggested that some of these features were associated with the birth of live young.








このページは、T-REXが2007年12月20日 11:40に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「クロノサウルス Kronosaurus オーストラリア恐竜大陸」です。

次のブログ記事は「ヘスペローニス Hesperornis オーストラリア恐竜大陸」です。


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