スケリドサウルス Scelidosaurus



世界共通発音:スケリッドソーラス ske lid oh saw rus
命名意味:Limb Lizard
Ornithischia / Genasauria / Thyreophoroidea / Family: uncertain /
FIRST DISCOVERED: 1859 / FOUND: Europe: England; North America: USA /
Length: 4 m / WEIGHT: 500 kg / Food: Plants / YOUNG: Eggs /
Lived: Early Jurassic 196 183 million years ago

Scelidosaurus is a problem! It was originally thought to be the first  known ornithischian (bird hipped) dinosaur. In 1861, the famous English anatomist and palaeontologist Sir Richard Owen described skeletal remains discovered in Dorset, in the south west of England. Strangely, Owen made a big mistake  the material he described was a mixture of bones from a new dinosaur and from the giant meat eater Megalosaurus.  
Better material became available in1893 and, in 1985, a new skeleton was discovered in Charmouth, also in Dorset. Together, these remains have provided scientists with sufficient evidence to show that Scelidosaurus was most probably a distant relative of the armoured dinosaurs or ankylosaurs. Scelidosaurus may also be related to the stegosaurs.  
Recent reconstructions show that it had a small head and its mouth contained many small, leaf shaped teeth. Its body was long and robust and the front legs were shorter than the back. Scelidosaurus had rather rounded feet with short toes. It was a plant eater. Remains of the animal have been found in rocks containing sea creatures. It is very unlikely that Scelidosourus ever ventured too close to the sea. the best explanation is that it slipped into a fast flowing river while feeding or during a violent storm.




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次のブログ記事は「ステゴセラス Stegoceras 」です。


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