ストルティオミムス Struthiomimus




世界共通発音:ストゥルーシオミメス stroo thee oh mime us
命名意味:Ostrich Mimic
分類所属:Saurischia / Theropoda / Tetanurae / Ornithomimosauria /
Family: Ornithomimidae
FIRST DISCOVERED: 1902 / FOUND: North America: Canada /
LENGTH: 4 m / WEIGHT: 350 kg / FOOD: Meat, plants / YOUNG: Eggs /
LIVED: Late Cretaceous 80 72 million years ago

Struthiomimus was a smaller version of Gailimimus and, again, resembles a featherless ostrich. It had a small head with a toothless beak. The neck and tail were very long. The skull was lightly built, with huge openings for the eyes. Struthiomimus had very good eyesight and was in all likelihood quite intelligent. It fed on insects, small reptiles and probably plants.
Struthiomimus's large eyes may have given it stereoscopic vision, so that it had a three dimensional view of the world. This would have allowed the 'Ostrich Mimic' to judge distances accurately and to hunt at dusk or even during the night.
Like many other dinosaurs, Struthiomimus had small stones in its gizzard (the part of a bird's stomach which grinds food   in this case, tough plant material). It is known  from Alberta in western Canada and, along with 30 or so other dinosaurs, is part of one of the world's best exhibitions at the Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller.





このページは、T-REXが2008年2月 6日 14:54に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「ステゴサウルス Stegosaurus 」です。

次のブログ記事は「スティラコサウルス Styracosaurus 」です。


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