



世界共通発音:テロダクタィラス terr-oh-dak-tile-us
命名意味:Winged Finger

Pterosauria / Pterodactyloidea / Family: Pterodactylidae
/ FIRST DESCRIBED 1809 / FOUND: Europe: Germany, England; Africa; Tanzania /  WINGSPAN: 1 m
/ WEIGHT: 5 kg / FOOD: Meat / YOUNG: Eggs / LIVED: Late Jurassic 155-146 million years ago

Pterodactylus was the first pterosaur to be described by scientists. It was found in Germany and was a near neighbour of Rhamphorhynchus and Anurognathus in southern Germany. Skeletons found in the Solnhofen limestone come in a range of sizes and different ages. The smallest example has a wingspan of only 18 cm, and the body was tiny, just 2 cm long. This was a recently hatched, baby pterodactyl. Its parents were three or four times as large. The largest type of Pterodactylus had a wingspan of 2.5 m.
Pterodactylus was the first known member of a new, more advanced group of pterosaurs. They had different proportions from Rhamphorhynchus and its relatives, and always had a very short tail. There are other differences in the skull, neck, hands and feet. The pterodactyl family includes the largest creatures ever to fly - the Cretaceous giants such as Pteranodon and Quetzalcoatlus. These great flying reptiles had wingspans the equal of small aero-planes. They most probably relied on hot-air currents to keep them aloft whereas Pterodactylus was an agile and active flyer.










世界共通発音:テラノドン ter?ran?oh?don
命名意味:Toothless Flyer

Pterosauria / Pterodactyloidea
/ First Described: 1876 / Found: North America: USA. Asia: Japan / Wingspan: 9 m
/ Weight:  25 kg / Food: Fish / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Late Cretaceous 82?71 million years ago

Hordes of Pteranodon flew over the chalk seas of western America during the late Cretaceous. They probably nested on cliffs and cliff? tops well above the water's edge. Pteranodon was an odd creature, with its big head crowned by a very large, upright crest. It had long, slightly upturned jaws and no teeth. The crest stabilized the head during flight, and the long laws were ideal for catching any fish that swam too close to the sea's surface.   
Pteranodon had a very small body and its bones were extremely light.  They were, in fact, hollow and had very thin walls. It is likely that they were connected to the lungs by a series of air sacs. Those modern seabirds that soar over the oceans on currents of warm air function in the same way.
Pteranodon had small eyes located on the side of the head, towards the  back and just below the front of the crest. The Toothless Flyer' could not have walked very far on the ground and it is probable that adults simply  launched themselves from the cliff  edge to go in search of food.
Landing must always have been a nightmare, especially in high winds.











世界共通発音:テロドウストロ ter-oh-dow-stroh
命名意味:Wing South

Pterosauria / Pterodactyloidea / Family: Pterodaustridae
/ First Described: 1876 / Found: South America: Argentina, Chile / Wingspan: 1.3m
/ Weight: 8 kg / Food: Pond life / Young: Eggs / Lived: Early Cretaceous 140-125 million years ago

Pterodaustro was a long-necked, short-tailed pterodactyl with a fairly long head and narrow jaws that curved upwards at the front. The lower jaw was quite strange and had a dense filter on either side. The filters were made up of over a thousand long, 'soft' teeth that resembled the bristles on a brush.
Pterodaustro was a filter-feeder that searched for food in shallow water. It was the Cretaceous equivalent of a flamingo, using the lower jaw as a filter basket into which it probably scooped helpings of water rich in  pond life. The water was then forced out through the filter, leaving the tasty morsels behind. Small teeth in the upper and the lower jaws were used to crush the food into smaller pieces.
Pterodaustro was a strong flyer that could take off and land from ground level. It probably fed while on all fours but it would have needed to raise its wings out of the water to take off.









和名: ヘスペローニス
世界共通発音: ヘスパローニス hess-per-orn-iss
命名意味: Western Bird

Aviale(Aves) / Ondotoholcae (Cretaceous toothed birds)
/ Hesperornithiformes
/ First Described: 1872 / Found: North America: USA
/ Height: 2m / Weight: 25kg
/ Food: Fish / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Late Cretaceous 82-76 mya

As well as the remains of lchthyornis, the Smoky Hill chalk of Kansas in the United States contained the remains of another toothed bird. Hesperornis was, however, a flightless giant with tiny wings, a large body and strange legs. It is odd that these birds should adopt such a lifestyle, but it seems to have hopped around on land and dived into the sea in search of food.
Hesperornis was, in effect, a giant version of today's 'grebe' and is known only from the northern hemisphere of the Cretaceous world. It had a long beak with many teeth which were arranged in a similar way to those of lchthyornis. The 'Western Bird' had a very short thigh bone, and the longer lower limbs and paddle-like feet extended sideways away from the body. On land, this heavily built bird would have walked with an ungainly waddle but in the sea it became a powerful and graceful swimmer.
Hesperornis fed on the abundance of small fish that flourished in the warm Cretaceous seas.









世界共通発音:ユーディモフォドン Eu-dee-morph-oh-don
命名意味:Two-form Tooth

Pterosauria / Rhamphorynchoidea / Family: Eudimorphododontidae
/ First Described: 1973 / Found: Europe: Italy
/ Wingspan: 1m / Weight: 2kg
/ Food: Fish / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Triassic 215-204 mya

Eudimorphodon and Peteinosaurus were close neighbours: both animals were found in the Triassic rocks of the Cene region of Italy. And both pterosaurs had long tails. Eudimorphodon was the larger animal, however, and its teeth were more advanced than those of its distant cousin. The head of this fish-eating flying reptile was 7 cm long and the tips of the lower jaw were bent slightly downwards. The front of the mouth was armed with long, pointed teeth. The shape of the jaw and the arrangement of teeth enabled Eudimorphodon to snatch fish from the surface of the sea.

Along the sides of each of the upper and lower jaws, Eudimorphodon had many smaller teeth. Each tooth was armed with between three and five points. Fossilized stomach contents suggest that these teeth were used to crush the bones and scales of fish. Teeth used like this are often polished and flattened owing to the constant grinding of the tooth surface against the tough scales.











世界共通発音:ジャンガリプテラス jungahripter-us

命名意味:Junggar Basin Wing



Pterosauria / Pterodactyloidea / Family: Dsungaripteridae

First Described:1964 / Found: AsiaChina, AfricaTanzania

/ Wingspan: 3m / Weght: 20kg

/ Food: Shellfish / Young: Eggs

/ Lived: Late JurassicEarly Cretaceous 150100 mya



Unusual discoveries are quite frequent in the fossil record. New animals and plants continue to surprise scientists with their size and shape. Bizarre creatures are sometimes the norm! Their strangeness often comes about as a result of having to find new and remarkable ways to search for food or to compete for a place to live.                              

Dsungaripterus certainly looks extraordinary. It was a fairly large pterodactyl with a big head and relatively slim body. A long, low crest ran along the middle of its head from just behind the beaked snout and extended into a prong over the back of its neck. The front of the jaws curved upwards to give the animal a unique appearance. There were no teeth at the front of the jaws but the cheek teeth were very sturdy and rather peg‑like.

It seems that Dsungaripterus was fond of shellfish: the upturned beak was used to prise the shells from rocks, while the back teeth simply crushed the outer shell to extract the meat from inside.
























世界共通発音:ダイアトライマ dye-ah-try-mah

命名意味:Terror Crane



Aviale(Aves) / Neornithes(Modern Birds) / Diatrymiformes

First Discribed: 1876 / Found: North AmericaUSA ; EuropeFrance, Germany

/ Height: 3m / Weight: 150kg / Food: Meat,Plants / Young:Eggs

/ Lived: Palaeocene-Middle Eocene 6548 million years ago



When the dinosaurs became extinct, other animals took advantage of the new opportunities for feeding that opened up at the beginning of the Age of Mammals, 65 million years ago. Birds were some of the first to benefit from the new world order, particularly these giant Terror Cranes. For many years it was assumed that these huge creatures, with their massive heads and vicious bills, took over the role of their distant cousins, the medium‑sized, meat‑ eating dinosaurs.


Some 80 per cent of modern birds are supposed to have evolved during the Palaeocene‑Eocene period, and Diatryma was one of  the first. It was a flightless bird similar in form to an ostrich or a Moa, but was probably much heavier than either. It may have trapped and killed small to medium‑sized mammals for food.

Diatryma was a fast runner and once it had caught its victim, could hold it on the ground with its large clawed feet. One savage blow with its enormous beak would have been enough to still its' prey. Recently, some scientists have argued that Diatryma was not a meat eater at all, but this is still to be proved.


DiatrymaSize.JPG ________________________________




英文読み方:アンハンギュラ an-han-gwer-ah
恐竜名意味:Old Devil

Pterosauria Pterodactyloidea Family: Anhangueridae
First Found 1985 Found South America: Brazil Wingspan 5.5m Weight 20kg
Food Fish, carrion Young Eggs Lived Early Cretaceous 111-100 mya

Imagine a creature with a 5 m wingspan and a head twice the length of its body. Bizarre to say the least! More than 110 million years ago, however, there was just such a creature, and scientists gave it the apt name of 'Old Devil' or Anhanguera, an evil spirit feared by the Tupi Indians of north eastern Brazil.
Anhanquera was a fish eater and probably caught its food as it flew over the warm inland sea that was present in northern Brazil at that time. Anhanquera's skull was 50 cm long and slimly built, rather like that of a pelican.
The jaws were deep and there was a distinct crest above the snout. There may have been another smaller crest beneath the lower jaw. Both crests would have helped to hold the head steady during flight. Strangely, the back legs of Anhanguera were splayed outwards away from the body and the hips were quite tiny. This means that, when it was on the ground, Anhanguera would have had to struggle along on all fours.







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