恐竜 : 2007年12月アーカイブ



世界共通発音:パラソーロロフス par-ah-saw-roh-loaf-us
命名意味:Side-ridge Lizard

Ornithischia / Genasauria / Cerapoda / Ornithopoda / Iguanodontia
/ Family: Lambeosauridae / First Described: 1922 / Found: North America: Canada, USA / Length: 10 m / Weight: 3 t / Food:  Plants / Young:  Eggs / Lived: Late Cretaceous 82-66 million years ago

Parasaurolophus was first discovered in 1921 during one of the great expeditions to the Canadian badland area of Alberta. Here, the Red Deer River has cut hundreds of small valleys down into the local rocks to dramatic effect. The region was difficult to cross by foot or on horses, so that the dinosaur explorers usually travelled by river. Today travel there is much easier and thousands of visitors can go to the Tyrell Museum in Drum Heller and take part in organized digs.
Beautiful displays of over 30 types of dinosaurs include superb skeletons of Parasaurolophus. Though not as big as Lambeosaurus, the 'Side-ridged lizard' has a spectacular, curved crest that stretches up and over the snout for almost 2 m. There are no holes in the crest and the old idea that it might have served as a snorkel underwater has now been abandoned. Instead, the  tubular crest may have amplified the sound as groups of dinosaurs called to one another while they were feeding in wooded areas.










世界共通発音:パッキーリノソーラス pak?ee?rhino?saw?rus
命名意味:Thick?nosed Lizard

Ornithischia / Genaria / Cerapoda / Marginocephalia / Ceratopsoidea
First Described 1950 / Found: North America: Canada
/ Length: 6m / Weight: 2t
Food: Plants / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Late Cretaceous 70-66 million year ago

Twelve or more skulls and some disconnected bones have been found in the western states of Canada. The form of the body, therefore, has been built up by comparing the known remains with those of other horned and frilled dinosaurs. Instead of a nose horn, Pachyrhinosaurus had a large, bony bump on its nose. It was probably used for defence and during the fierce battles among the dominant males fighting to protect their territory and breeding partners. Head?butting and pushing would have been the chosen battlefield strategy.
Pachyrhinosaurus had a short frill at the back of its head similar to that of Triceratops.
During Late Cretaceous times, large herds of horned dinosaurs roamed  the open lands of the western area of the North American continent. They were constantly on the lookout for  Tyrannosaurus rex and, when spooked, were capable of running at speeds of more than 20 kph. Even the 'Tyrant  Lizard' would get out of the way of a stampede of these formidable creatures.









世界共通発音:シッタコソーラス sit-tak-oh-saw-rus
命名意味:Parrot Lizard

Ornithischia / Genaria / Cerapoda / Marginocephalia / Ceratopsia
/ Family: Psittacosauridae
/ First Described: 1923 / Found: Asia: China, Mongolia, Thailand
/ Length: 2 m / Weight: 70 kg / Food:  Plants / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Early Cretaceous 125-100 million years ago

Psittacosaurus is a small, primitive, horned-faced dinosaur. It is thought to be have been related to the small Ornithopod Hypsilophodon. The horned-faced dinosaurs probably evolved from an Ornithopod ancestor similar to a hypsilophodontid. The tell-tale presence of a small beak-like bone at the front of the skull of Psittacosaurus makes it one the earliest relatives of giants such as Styracosaurus and Triceratops.
Nine species of Psittacosaurus have been found in the Early Cretaceous rocks of Asia, and the remains of over a hundred individuals have been collected so far. This is an enormous number and shows how well this small dinosaur was adapted to its surroundings. Its robust parrot-like beak suggests that it fed on tough plant material, which it gathered while standing on its hind limbs. Psittacosaurus had fairly long arms, with four fingers on each hand. The hind limbs were longer and more robust, with three toes and an inner spur on the feet.









世界共通発音:パッキィセファロソーラス pack-ee-seph-ah-loh-saw-rus
命名意味:Thick-headed Lizard

Ornithischia / Genaria / Cerapoda / Marginocephalia
/ Pachycephalosauria / Family: achycephalosauridae
/ First Described: 1943 / Found: North America: USA
/ Length: 8m / Weight: 1t
/ Food: Plants / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Late Cretaceous 76-68 million years ago

Pachycephalosaurus is known, only poorly, from Wyoming, South Dakota and Montana in the western United States. It was one of the largest of the dome? or flat?headed dinosaurs, with the thick, bony mass at the top of its head up to 20 cm (8 in) thick. As with other pachycephalosaurs, this strengthening and thickening of the skull protected it during fights for territory, dominance of the herd or mating partners. The bigger the male, the bigger the domed skull and the more likely that he would be the victor in battle.   
Only one good fossil Pachycephalosaurus skull has been found,  as well as several skull roofs. The reconstruction of the rest of the animal is based on comparing it with  related dinosaurs and on
Informed guesswork. A detailed comparison is now possible because a reasonably complete skeleton of the closely related Stygimoloch was found in  1995. Each animal had a bony ornament over the snout and rear of the head, but in Stygimoloch, the  rear bony swellings had developed into long horns. Both animals ran on two legs. They probably had  relatively short arms and a long, stiffened tail.









和名: ヒラエオサウルス
世界共通発音:ハイリオソーラス hi-lee-oh-saw-rus
命名意味:Wood land Lizard
Ornithischia / Genasauria / Thyreophoroidea / Eurypoda / Ankylosauria
 / Family: Ankylosauridae
/ First Described: 1833 / Found: Europe:England / Length: 6m / Weight: 2t / Food: Plants
/ Young: Eggs / Lived Early Cretaceous 140-125 mya

Hylaeosaurus was one of the original reptiles that Sir Richard Owen used to define his group, the Dinosauria or dinosaurs. It was first described by Gideon Mantell in 1833. Up to this time, only the front end of the body has been found, and the description of this large relative of Polacanthus is based on an incomplete skeleton found near East Grinstead in the south-east of England. Hylaeosourus had a low, heavily built body which was almost completely covered by bony plates and spines. The neck region was armoured by three rows of oval plates and an apron of long spines that pointed out and away from the body, protecting the shoulders and hips. It is thought that there were also some vertical spines over the neck area. There were two rows of slightly backward pointing spines over the hip region and along the tail. The head was rather flat and long, and similar to that of the modern Komodo dragon.









和名: ヒプシロフォドン    
世界共通発音: ヒプシロフォドン hip-see-loaf-oh-don
命名意味: High-ridged Tooth
Ornithischia / Genasauria / Cerapoda / Ornithopoda / Family: Hypsilophodontidae
/ First Discovered: 1849 / Found: Worldwide:Europe;North America;Asia / Length: 2.5m
/ Weight: 25kg / Food: Plants / Young: Eggs / Lived: Early Cretaceous 130-115 mya

Although the remains of Hypsilophodon were discovered in 1849, the animal was not named until 1889. The reason for the delay was simple: 19th century scientists thought it was a baby Iguanodon. For the next 80 years this tiny ornithopod (bird-footed dinosaur) was thought to be a tree dweller. In fact, a model of Hypsilophodon holding on to a branch was a central exhibit at the Natural History Museum in London for many years.
More recently, however, experts have worked out that this was an agile little dinosaur with long, strongly built back legs and short arms. It had quite a large head with a beak at the front of its mouth and a row of small grinding teeth behind. As its name suggests, these teeth were ridged. Hypsilophodon was a founder member of the Iguanodon line of dinosaurs, which reached its peak with the appearance of the duck-billed dinosaurs during the Cretaceous. It may have evolved from an animal such as Heterodontosaurus. The Hypsilophodon was a primitive ornithopod from the Early Cretaceous.








世界共通発音:ワヤンゴソーラス wah-yang-go-saw-rus
命名意味:Huayang Lizard

Ornithischia / Genasauria / Thyreophoroidea
/ Eurypoda / Stegosauria
/ Family: Huayangosauridae
/ First Described: 1982 / Found: Asia:China
/ Length: 4m / Weight: 450kg / Food: Plants
/ Young: Eggs / Lived: Midle Jurassic 166-162 mya

Huayangosaurus is an early, rather primitive relative of Stegosaurus. In life it would have looked similar to Stegosaurus, with two rows of vertical plates running along the top of its body. The two rows began just behind the head and the tallest and largest plates were over the back of the animal. 
There were huge spikes on its shoulders and at the end of its long tail. Stegosaurs can also be described as armoured dinosaurs, but they were generally much lighter and more agile. They were small to medium in size and had fairly small brains.
Huayangosaurus was quite big, with a rather deep, square-shaped skull. Unlike Stegosourus, the 'Huayang lizard' still had teeth at the front of its jaw. It held its body high off the ground on heavily built limbs and feet like those of a modern elephant. The front feet had five very short toes, whereas the back feet had only three, though they were bigger and far more robust. All stegosaurs were plant eaters.








和名: ヘテロドントサウルス
世界共通発音: ヘッツアロドントソーラス het-ur-oh-dont-oh-saw-rus
命名意味: Differnt-toothed Lizard

Ornithischia / Genaria / Cerapoda
/ Family: Heterodontosauridae
First Described: 1962 / Foud: Africa: South Africa
/ Length: 1.2m / Weight: 9kg
/ Food: Plants / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Early Jurassic 150-146 mya

Heterodontosaurus is one of the earliest ornithischian, or bird-hipped, dinosaurs. It is known from a complete skeleton and parts of a jaw. The skull is unique and has three types of teeth. The front teeth were sharp and used for cutting and snipping, whereas those at the back were broader and flatter and were used to grind tough vegetation before it was swallowed. These back teeth had a thick coat of enamel which would have prevented them from wearing out quickly. The third kind of teeth were tusk-like, resembling the canines of a dog. 
Scientists think that Heterodontosaurus probably had fleshy cheeks or 'pouches', which were used to hold extra food. As the animal ground up some food with its teeth, the muscular cheeks would help by pushing the food from side to side to produce a chewing action.
We are not sure what the canine teeth were used for but they may have allowed Heteradontosourus to dig up roots. It ran on its two strong back legs and had well developed arms.








世界共通発音:ホマロセファレ ho-mal-oh-seph-ah-le

命名意味: Even Head
Ornithischia / Genaria / Cerapoda
/ Marginocephalia / Pachycephalosauria
/ Family: Homalocephalidae
/ First Described: 1974 / Found: Asia: Mongolia
/ Length: 3m / Weight: 225kg
/ Food: Plants / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Late Cretaceous 76-68 mya

This odd, rather small dinosaur was found in Mongolia in 1969. It was the first bone-headed dinosaur to be discovered with its skull. Until it was found, the bone-headed dinosaurs were known only through parts of skulls. This was probably because they are likely to have lived in dry, upland areas where the more delicate bones of the skeletons were destroyed before they could be buried and preserved.
The skull of Homalocephale was 15 cm thick, but unlike that of Pachycephalosaurus the skull roof was flat. Most scientists attribute this feature to a herding way of life with the large males using their heads as battering rams during battles over territory or females.
The spine of Homalocephale was quite rigid and the hips broadly spaced. These features, together with widely spaced back legs and a rigid tail, helped Homalocephale withstand the enormous shockwaves generated in battle. It has also been suggested that some of these features were associated with the birth of live young.









和名: ケントロサウルス
世界共通発音: ケントロソーラス ken-tro-saw-rus
命名意味: Spiky Lizard

Ornithischia / Genasauria / Thyreophoroidea
/ Eurypoda / Stegosauria
/ Family: Stegosauridae
/ First Described: 1915 / Found: Africa
/ Length: 4m / Weight: 450kg / Food: Plants
/ Young: Eggs / Lived Late Jurassic 154-151 mya

Kentrosaurus is closely related to Stegosaurus but it is smaller, end the paired plates along its back give way to pairs of tall spines over the hips and long tail. This is why it is called the 'Spiky Lizard'.
Kentrosaurus was found in 1909, in Tanzania by a German expedition. Hundreds of bones of about 70 individualls were recovered. From these bones the scientists could build two complete skeletons. Sadly one of them was completely destroyed when a bomb hit the Humboldt Museum in Berlin, during the Second World War.
 Like Stegosaurus, Kentrosaurus had a long, narrow head. It had a horny beak for cutting and slicing plant material and many small teeth, behind the beak, for more crushing and grinding. The huge number of bones found during the original expedition suggests that Kentrosaurus lived in herds near lakes and rivers. They lived at the same time as the Elaphrosaurus (‘Lightweight Lizard’) and several meat eaters. These may have been Kentrosaurus's natural enemies, but it is most likely that 70 individuals died as a result of some natural disaster such as a flood.









世界共通発音:ユオプロセファラス you-oh-plo-seph-ah-lus
命名意味:Well-armoured Head

Ornithischia / Genasauria / Thyreophoroidea / Eurypoda / Ankylosauria
/ Family: Ankylosauridae
/ First Described: 1910 / Found: North America; Canada, USA
/ Length: 6m / Weight: 2.5t
/ Food: Plants / Young: Eggs / Lived: Late Cretaceous 78-68 mya

'Reptilian tanks' were commonplace during the late Cretaceous, between 70 and 65 million years ago. Herds of Ornithischians with protective body armour dominated the open lands of North America. Their protective armour greatly increased their chances of a long life. Euoplocephalus was particularly suited to the time and environment.
Its armour covered almost the whole of its body, from the tip of its nose to the end of its tail.
Euoplocephalus, and its close relatives may have had a particularly good sense of smell which would have helped it to find food, avoid enemies and seek out a mate. Its head was more rounded than that of Ankylosaurus, with a broader beak and teeth in the palate (roof of the mouth). Euoplocephalus probably fed on a wide variety of plant material.
Apart from its 'suit of mail', Euolplocephalus was blessed with sturdy spines on the back of its head and rows of plates and spikes along its back. The last part of its tail was stiffened by a sheath of bony rods and tipped by a huge, bony, mace¬ like ball. The animal could use its tail as a club 'to protect it from predators or during fights with other dominant males.








世界共通発音:アイニーオソーラス Eye-nee-oh-saw-rus
命名意味:Buffalo Lizard

Ornithischia 鳥盤目/ Genaria 角竜下目 / Cerapoda / Marginocephalia・マルギノケファリア(周飾頭)亜目

/ Ceratopsoidea・ケラトプス科
/ Family: Ceratopsidae・セントロサウルス亜科
/ First Described: 1995 / Found: North America: USA
/ Length大きさ: 6m / Weight 重さ: 2.5 t
/ Food: Plants / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Late Cretaceous 後期白亜紀・カンパニア期 84-71 million years ago

Einiosourus is a relatively new addition to the world of dinosaurs. It is known only from the state of Montana and, as its name suggests, it was found in Native American Territory: the word einio is the Blackfoot people's word for 'buffalo'.
Einiosaurus was a large centrosaur type of horned dinosaur. The centrosaurs have a rather short face with a long horn over the nose area. If brow horns occur, they are short. In Einiosaurus the long horn on the nose is flattened at the sides. Two large, curved spikes adorn the large frill of the 'Buffalo Lizard'; the total length of skull rarely exceeds 1.5 m.
Only two or three good skulls of this herding animal have been found but hundreds of bones are known from the Dino Ridge Quarry in Glacier County, Montana.
These fossils include bones of animals of different ages, although the skulls all belong to adults. It is likely that such a large accumulation of bones was the result of a catastrophic event, perhaps a mass drowning or a large scale attack by predators.











世界共通発音:エドモントソーラス Ed-mont-oh-saw-rus
命名意味:Edmonton Lizard

Ornithischia / Genasauria / Cerapoda / Ornithopoda / Iguanodontia
/ Family: Hadrosauridae
/ First Descrived: 1917 / Found: North America: Canada, USA
/ Length: 13m / Weight: 3t
/ Food: Plants / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Late Cretaceous 70-66 mya

Edmontosourus may have been the biggest of the duck billed dinosaurs (hadrosaurs). It was a flat headed or non crested type that closely resembled its ancestors, the iguanodontids.
Bactrosaurus seems to have been the link between the two families. The hadrosours are thought to have been the last of the major groups of dinosaurs to Appear in the fossil record. But, during the final episode of the Late Cretaceous, they evolved in spectacular fashion to give rise to the flat headed and crested forms.
Edmontosourus was a herding animal that lived during Late Cretaceous times Ground an inland sea in what is now western North America. The climate varied with the seasons but basically it was warm and quite wet. Huge forests bordered the wetland areas and broad open plains supported many herds of ornithopod dinosaurs.
Edmontosaurus's head was large and had a flattened, duck billed snout. There were nearly a thousand teeth in the upper and lower jaws.
They were arranged in batteries (flattened rows) that formed a crushing surface similar to that of the huge cheek teeth of a modern elephant. A long tongue helped the animal gather its food.











命名意味:Out of Edmonton

Ornithischia / Genasouria / Thyreophoroidea / Eurypoda / Ankylosauria
/ Family: Nodosauridae
First Discrived: 1924 / Found: North America: Canada, USA
/ Length: 7m
/ Food: Plants / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Early Cretaceous: 78-68 million years ago

Edmontonia is one of the largest armoured dinosaurs on record.
Approximately eight complete, or nearly complete, skeletons have been found. Edmontonia was first discovered in 1924 in the dinosaur bone beds around Drumheller, Alberta, western Canada. Since then, other remains have been dug up in Montana, South Dakota and Texas.
There are several different kinds of Edmontonia. They are identified by the length of the shoulder spikes and what kind of body armour they have. The best known form is Edmontonia longiceps or 'the dinosaur with long spines from Edmonton'.
Edmontonia's head was rather box like. The beak seems to have had a rounded shape, and there were several rows of small teeth lining the edges of the jaws. The huge shoulder spikes could be used effectively as horns against a hungry predator.
Rows of bony shields across the neck and more rows of bony plates along the back and tail gave Edmontonia quite a lot of protection. Strangely, it had a very long tail.





















世界共通発音:ドライオソーラス dryohsaw-rus

命名意味:Oak Lizard



Ornithischia / Genasauria / Cerapoda / Ornithopoda / Drymorpha

/ Family: Dryosauridae

First Described: 1894 / Found: North AmericaUSA; AfricaTanzania

/ Length: 3m / Weirht: 80kg

/ Food: Plants / Young: Eggs

/ Lived: Late Jurassic 154146 mya



Apart from being a lot bigger, the 'Oak lizard' was quite similar to Hypsilophodon  in overall appearance. It was two‑ legged with short arms and is best described as lightly built and agile. The head was quite deep, with sharp, deeply ridged teeth like those of its distant cousin. According to some scientists, Dryosaurus is the last ornithopod to have had short arms.

Like the Hypsilophocion and Leaellynasaura, Dryosaurus had large eyes and was probably quite intelligent. It lived in groups or small herds and used its keen eyesight and speed to avoid being caught and eaten. Adult specimens may have reached 4 m in length. Dryosaurus had a relatively long neck and slim body balanced by a long, stiffened tail.

 It may seem strange that an animal is known from fossils found in two          countries that are now separated by thousand of miles of land and sea.

 During the late Jurassic, however, the American and African continents were joined together, and it was possible for even the smallest dinosaurs to exist over a large area during a million years or so of Earth's history.
























世界共通発音:ドロメイオソーラス dro-may-oh-saw-rus

命名意味:Swift-running Lizard



Saurischia / Theropoda / Tetanurae / Manuraptra /

Deinonychosauria / Family: Dromaeosauridae /

First Described: 1922 / Found: North AmericaCanada,USA

/ Length: 1.5m / Weight: 33kg / Food: Meat / Young: Eggs

/ Lived: Late Cretaceous 8071 mya



Dromaeosaurus has been described as 'the original raptor'. It was first discovered in the dinosaur‑rich Judith River deposits of Alberta in Canada, but further material has since been unearthed in Montana in the USA. Dromaeosaurus was a small, very agile meat eater. However, it had quite a large brain‑case and big eyes. The mouth was armed with numerous razor‑sharp teeth that were serrated along the edges.

Although a lightweight, Dromaeosaurus was quite well built, with long arms and fingers that ended in vicious, curved claws. The hind limbs were also quite long, with a well‑developed, dagger‑like claw on the second toe of each foot. It is unlikely that this little dinosaur would attack animals much larger than itself, but if it hunted in packs then the results would be quite devastating. The dromaeosaurs were noted for their long, stiff tails. Together with good sight and a relatively high intelligence, they were effectively the wild dogs or wolves of the Age of Dinosaurs.






















世界共通発音:ダイノナイカス die-noh-nye-kus


命名意味:Terrible Claw



Sourischia / Theropoda / Tetanurae / Eumanuraptora / Deinonychosauria


/ Family: Dromaeosauridae

First Discrived: 1964 / Found: North AmericaUSA / Length 3m / Weight: 50kg

/ Food:Meat / Young: Eggs / Lived: Early Cretaceous: 124110 mya




Fossils of 'Terrrible Claw' have been found in the western states of the United States. The remains of nine skeletons have been unearthed from the Morrison Formation of Montana, Oklahoma and Utah. There is doubt about finds from Maryland, and one from Korea is now thought more likely to be a Velociraptor. Deinonychus and Velociroptor are very closely related and seem to be found in what were the same sorts of environments

in North America and Asia. In the United States, Deinonychus has been found with freshwater turtles, crocodiles and plant‑eating sauropods. Forest glades bordered small lakes, and the herds of sauropods provided many opportu­ities as food for this near perfect predator.

Deinonychus was fairly small, with a large head, short neck and stiffened tail. The arms were strong, with three long‑clawed fingers for slashing and tearing at its prey. The hind limbs were also potential     weapons of destruction with a huge 13cm movable claw on the second toe of each. While this fearsome dinosaur was running, the claw was held off the ground, but in attack it would be rotated downwards and viciously driven home as the predator lunged or jumped at the terrified victim.





















世界共通発音:ダイノスーカス dye-no-soo-kus


命名意味:Terrible Crocodile



Diapsida / Archosauromorpha / Crocodylomorpha / Eusuchia /

Family: Crocodylidae


First Discovered:1909 / Found: North America USA  /

Length:12m / Weight:3t

Food: Meat / Young: Eggs / Lived: Late Cretaceous 8272mya



The Age of the Dinosaurs seems to have had more than its fair share of giant meat eaters. The theropods were terrifying and, with gigantic pterosaurs patrolling the skies and fearsome mosasaurs menacing the oceans, nowhere was safe. And if these weren't enough, add one of the world's largest crocodiles skulking on the river bank and life becomes a nightmare world.

Deinosuchus was a huge creature with a 2‑m‑long (6 ft 6 in) skull and about a hundred large teeth. The teeth were very sturdy and the front, or incisor, teeth were razor sharp. Towards the back of the jaws the teeth were made for crushing.

Deinosuchus was a four-legged monster with a long tail. Normally, it would lie in wait in shallow water or                 rest on the river bank, but in attack it was a powerful swimmer. It could even lift its body and outrun unsus              pecting prey over short distances.

The discovery of Sarcosuchus imperator (meaning 'Flesh Crocodile Emperor') in Niger, West Africa, in 1996, challenged the position of Deinosuchus as the world's largest ever crocodile. Whichever was the winner, both probably ate dinosaurs.


DeinosuchusSize.JPG ________________________________



















世界共通発音:ダセントゥルーラス dah-sen-troo-russ


命名意味:Pointed Tail



Ornithischia / Genasauria / Thyreophoroidea / Eurypoda / Stegosauria /

Family: Stegosauridae

First Described: 1902 / Found: EuropeEngland, France, Portugal /

Length: 6m / Weight: 2t /

Food: Plants / Young: Eggs / Lived: Late Jurassic 160-150 mya



Dacentrurus was the first from the stegosaur family to be described from the fossil record. In 1875 Sir Richard Owen first said that these  bones belonged to Omosaurus, but that name had already been used for another animal. In 1902 the palaeontologist Frederic Lucas intro‑ duced the name we use today. Dacentrurus seems to have lived throughout Western Europe, though most remains have been found in southern England.


Scientists have argued fiercely about the size of this animal. Some have suggested that individuals may have reached 10 m (33 ft) in length and weighed in at as much as 6 tonnes. Dacentrurus had long front limbs and spines, rather than plates, along the length of its back. It is thought, therefore, to have been a primitive stegosaur. No skull remains have been found from the various parts of Europe where Dacentrurus is known to have lived. It is assumed that the skull was quite small and housed a tiny brain. The size of the legs suggests that it was a heavily built stegosaur that 'grazed' on quite soft plant material.
















世界共通発音: アンキロソーラス An-ky-low-saw-rus
命名意味:Stiff Lizard

Ornithischia / Genasauria / Thyreophoroidea / Eurypoda / Ankylosauria
Family: Ankylosauridae
First Described: 1908 / Found: North America USA, Canada. South America
Length: 10m / Weight: 7t / Food: Plants / Young: Eggs /
Lived: Early Cretaceous 68-65 mya


Ankylosaurus was a truly massive dinosaur.

It was the largest ankylosaur, with some scientists suggesting that there may have been giants of 15‑17 m long.

These would have weighed over ten tonnes, and it is extremely unlikely that even Tyrannosaurus rex would have tried to kill a healthy animal.

Adults had skulls over 1 m in length. The skull was broad with a very thick roof and four triangular horns on the back corners.

The snout was beak‑like and the animal fed by snipping or cutting plant material, which was then finely ground by the small teeth that covered the palate. Bony shields which fitted into one another covered the neck and body of this slow‑moving titan, and there was a huge club at the tip of the tail.

The club was made up of two heavily thickened bones, one on either side of the tail. Though they were very heavy, the tail and the club were held high off the ground. If attacked, Ankylosaurus would try to move into a position where it could land heavy blow on the legs or soft underbelly of the attacker.    







英文読み方:アルクサソーラス alks-ah-saw-rus
恐竜名意味:Alxa Desert Lizard

Saurischia/ Theropoda/ Tetanurae/ Therizinosauroidea/ Family: Alxasauridae/
First Discovered: 1994 /Found: Asia: Mongolia/ Length: 4m/ Weight: 400kg/ Food: Meat & Plants/ Young: Eggs/ Lived: Eary Cretaceous 112-105 mya


Alxasaurus is often described as the most complete theropod so far found in Asia. It is a rather strange looking creature which, in some ways, resembles an early prosauropod. It is not a sauropod, though. Most of its characteristics suggest that it was a very primitive therizinosaur. The therizinosaurs were a group of medium to large theropod dinosaurs that had small heads, relatively long arms and thin, moderately curved claws on each hand. In primitive forms the claws were about 15 cm long but later therizinosaurs had flattened claws almost 1 m in length.

Alxasaurus had a relatively short tail and a long neck, and was very robustly built at the shoulders. It had more than 40 teeth in the lower jaw. While feeding, the animal may have leaned backwards on its hind legs and tail, reaching upwards to grasp leaves. When down on all four limbs, it may have dug into the ground in search of insects or succulent roots.







英文読み方: アベリーソーラス ah-bell-ee-saw-rus
恐竜名意味:Abel's Lizard

Sourischia Theropoda Neotheropoda Family: Abelisauridae

First Discovered: 1985 ・Found: South America ・Length: 7 m
Weight: 1.5 t ・ Food: Meat
Young: Eggs  ・ Lived: Late Cretaceous 75~70 million years ago

Abelisaurus is a meat eater known from just a single skull found in the Rio Negro Province of Argentina, and was first descrived in 1985.
The skull is quite high and large at 85 cm with a rounded snout and many small saw edged teeth.
Although the head of Abefisourus is broad, the face is relatively short. An unusual feature of this theropod is a large opening on the side of the skull in front of the eye sockets.
The abelisaur dinosaurs are two legged hunters that grew to 9 m in length.
Representatives of the family are found in Africa, Asia and South America.
Carnosaurus and Majungatholus are members of the Abelisourdoe. Some of these animals have distinctive horns or dome like growths on their skulls. Most have large eyes and short arms. Abelisaurus is usually illustrated as a small, rather fat necked Tyrannosaurus like dinosaur. Most people who study dinosaurs, however, suggest that they are placed an separate branches of the dinosaur evolutionary tree.






英文読み方:カマラソーラス  kam-ah-rah-saw-rus
恐竜名意味:Chambered Lizard

Saurischia / Sauropodomorpha / Sauropoda / Macronaria / Family; Camarasouridae / First Discovered 1877 / Found; North America USA / Length; 18 m / Weight; 25-30 t / Food Plants / Young Eggs / Lived Late Jurassic 161-146 mya


Although the first fossilized bones of Camarasaurus were found as early as 1877, scientists had to wait until 1925 for the first complete skeleton to be discovered. Camarasaurus has been found in Late Jurassic rocks in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah and Montana, in the United States. Bones have also been found in southern England that may belong to it. Camarasaurus was very common in North America in the Late Jurassic.
Most sauropods were herd-dwellers and Camarasaurus was probably no exception. Just as with today’s animals of the great African savannas, it was important for the different species to be able to recognize one another. Although Camarasaurus was relatively small compared to other sauropods, its box-like snout and robust, chisel-like teeth gave it a distinctive look. It had a lightly built skull and there were large holes for the nostrils in front of the eye sockets. It had a heavily built body and a comparatively short tail. It is thought that, like elephants, Camarasaurus had wedge-like heels of soft tissue on its feet to help support its weight.








竜盤目 / 竜脚形亜目 / 竜脚下目 / 新竜脚上科/ マクロナリス類/ カマラサウルス科
発見年:1877年/ 産地:北米・アメリカ/ 全長:約18メートル/ 体重:25~30トン/ 食性:植物/ 繁殖形態:卵生/ 時代:ジュラ紀後期、1億6100万~1億4600万年前

 2008年06月12日 15:09




英文読み方: アーゼンチノソーラス ahr-gent-teen-oh-saw-rus
恐竜名意味:Argentina Lizard

Saurischia / Sauropoda / Neosauropoda / macronaria / Family; Andesauridae
First described 1993 / Found South America: Argentina / Length 40-41 m / Weight 80-90 t / Food; Plants / Young Eggs / Lived; Middle- Upper Cretaceous 100-93 mya

Argentinosaurus must have been a truly enormous creature-among the most gigantic animals ever to walk on earth. Sadly, so far it is known only from a few leg bones, several of which are more than 1 m long.
Reconstructed models suggest that Argentinosaurus was a typical sauropod with a small head, a long neck and a long tail. Closely related dinosaurs feature a sloping head, peg-like teach and front limbs shorter than back ones. These creatures belong to a family of large sauropods from South America and possibly Africa. The forelimbs are longer than those of Diplodocus and the head is rather squarer in shape.
















英文読み方: アクロカンソソーラス ak-ro-kan-tho-saw-rus
恐竜名意味:High spined Lizard

Saurischia / Theropoda / Tetanurae / Carnosauria /

Family: Allosauridae

First Descrived: 1950 / Found: North America: USA  /

Length 12 m / Weight 2 4 t

Food: Meat
Young: Eggs / Lived: Early Mid Cretaceous 125~112 mya

Down in the bed of the Poluxy River, near Glen Rose in Texas in the United States, two sets of footprints show that Acrocanthosaurus was tracking its next meal. Its prey, according to the second set of prints, preserved in the fine sediments of the Glen Rose Formation, was a Pleurocoelus, a giant sauropod. The prints reveal something of the hunting habits of the giant meat eater. They also show that the sauropods had developed a defence strategy, with the largest animals on the outside of the herd like a herd of buffalo in which the big bulls protect the cows and young from lions.
During Early to Mid Cretaceous times, in what is now the south-western part of the United States.
Acrocanthosaurus was close to being a top predator. It had huge teeth with long roots. The teeth were slightly curved but thin and, unlike those of Tyrannosaurus, probably broke quite easily. The broken tooth was then shed and another one grew in its place. The meat eater had powerful arms with sharp claws. It was a perfectly balanced hunter, with a strong, muscular back, and it ran on its bind legs. The 60 cm high spines over the bones of the back would have supported huge muscles.







英文読み方: シーロフィシス see-loh-fy-sis
恐竜名意味:Hollow Form

Saurischia / Theropoda / Neotheropoda / Family; Coelophysidae / First Discovered 1881 / Found; North America USA / Length; 3 m / Weight; 20-30 kg / Food Meat / Young Eggs / Lived; Late Triassic 228-200 mya

The name “Hollow Farm” aptly describes this small, hollow-boned Theropod dinosaur. Known initially from a few bones found in Arizona. Coelophysis attained great fame in 1947, when the renowned American paleontologist Edwin Colbert (1905-2001) discovered about a hundred skeletons at the Ghost ranch in New Mexico. From the skeletons, it seems that the animals may have drowned during a flash flood, when torrents of floodwater, mud and boulders thundered down the valley after very heave rein.
This dramatic find showed that large numbers of these small, meat-eating, scavenging dinosaurs lived in the same area and that the population included males and females. The skeletons of young animals were found inside some adults, so could Coelophysis have given birth to live young or cold it has been a cannibal. All dinosaurs laid eggs so Coelophysis must have eaten its own kind. Four long fingers and four long toes show that Coelophysis was more advanced than either Eoraptor or Herrerasaurus. The fourth finger was also shortened, so it seems that Coelophysis had advanced one stage closer to having three-digit limbs.

大きさ比較:CoelopysisSize.JPG         ________________________________




竜盤目 / 獣脚形亜目 / 新獣脚下目 / コエロフィシス科
発見年:1881年/ 産地:北米・アメリカ/ 全長:約3メートル/ 体重:20~30キログラム/ 食性:肉/ 繁殖形態:卵生/ 時代:三畳紀後期、2億2800万~2億万年前







アパトソーラス a-pat-oh-saw-rus
恐竜名意味:Deceptive Lizard

Saurischia / Sauropodomorpha / Sauropoda / Neosauropoda / Family: Diplodocidae
First Described 1877 / Found: North America / Length 22-23m / Weight 25-30 t / Food: Plants / Young: eggs / Lived: Late Jurassic 161-145 mya

There are several different types of Apatosaurus known from Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and Utah in the United States. When this giant sauropod was first identified and described, mistakes were made and the name Brontosaurus (Thunder Reptile) was used for identical skeletal remains. For many years brontosaurus was the more commonly used name.

Apatosaurus and Diplodocus both belong to the same family of sauropod dinosaurs, the Diplodocus was the longer of the two dinosaurs but Apatosaurus was much heavier. No skull of Apatosaurus has ever been found but it was probably similar to that of Diplodocus. Apatosaurus had a small brain. It relied heavily on its size for defense but there were two low ridges along its backbone which suggest that bundles of strong tendons {fibers which connect muscle to bone} or ligaments {fibers which connect bone to bone} held the neck high and enabled the animal to use its long tail like a mighty whip. The neck was about 6 m long and the tail was just over 9 m. Apatosaurus and Diplodocus swum in shallow water, using their front legs to push themselves forward.





ブラキオソーラス brack-ee-oh-saw-rus
恐竜名意味:Arm Lizard

Saurischia / Sauropodomorpha / Sauropoda / Macronaria /

Family: Dicraeosauridae / First Discovered: 1900 /

Found: Africa, North America / Length; 25 m / Weight; 70-80 t / Food Plants / Young Eggs / Lived Late Jurassic 161-146 mya

Brachiosaurus has been found in Tanzania, East Africa, and Colorado in the United States. This shows us that in Late Jurassic times the two continents were one. Brachiosaurus was a gigantic creature with very long front limbs and shorter back limbs. It stood 16 m high and its weight was between 70 and 80 tonnes. The upper arm bone was over 2 m long. Unlike those of Diplodocus, the sturdy, chisel-like teeth of Brachiosaurus were arranged around the edges of the jawbones. This huge animal fed on leaves and shoots from the highest branches of trees, helped by its upward-sloping body. Its skull was about 50cm long and much deeper than that of Diplodocus, and its nostrils opened at the top of the head. Brachiosaurus’s neck was made up of 14 very large bones, and there were massive tendons to enable the animal to keep its head held high. Tendons and ligaments would also have helped hold the tail straight. A lash of that great tail would have deterred most predators.









竜盤目 / 竜脚形亜目 / 竜脚下目 / 新竜脚上科/ マクロナリス類/ ディクラエオサウルス科
発見年:1900年/ 産地:アフリカ、北米/ 全長:約25メートル/ 体重:70~80トン/ 食性:植物/ 繁殖形態:卵生/ 時代:ジュラ紀後期、1億6100万~1億4600万年前



















英文読み方: バラパソーラス bah-rap-ah-saw-rus
恐竜名意味:Big leg lizard

Saurischia / Sauropodomorpha /

Family; Barapasauridae / First discovered: 1960 /

Found; Asia, India / Length 14-18 m / Weight; 10-40 t / Food: Plants /

Young: eggs / Lived: Early Jurassic 183-176 mya

Like early prosauropods, the primitive sauropod dinosaur Barapasaurus has leaf-shaped, serrated teeth and, despite its name, quite slender limbs. More than 300 bones have been found and, together, they make up six incomplete skeletons. None of the skeletons has a skull or front or back feet. All the bones were discovered in the Early Jurassic rocks of the Godavari Valley in the Kota Region of southern India.
Compared with even the largest of the prosauropods. Barapasaurus was gigantic. Like most sauropods, it had a very long tail and a long neck probably supporting a small head. The individual bones that made up its spine had indentations in them, unlike the large hollows typical of more advanced sauropods such as Brachiosaurus. It is thought that these hollowed-out bones made the whole skeleton lighter ? useful for such huge animals. No one is sure how heavy Barapasaurus was, though, and estimates vary wildly from person to person. It lived on coastal flood plains or deltas, and fed on plants.






竜盤目 / 竜脚形亜目 / 竜脚下目 / 新竜脚上科/バラパサウルス科
発見年:1960年/ 産地:アジア、インド/ 全長:約14~18メートル/ 体重:10~40トン/ 食性:植物/ 繁殖形態:卵生/ 時代:ジュラ紀前期、1億8300万年~1億7600万年前















学術名発音: dip-lod-oh-kus ディプロドークス
命名意味:Double-beam Lizard

Saurischia / Sauropodomorpha / Sauropoda / Neosauropoda / Family; Diplodocidae / First Discovered 1993 / Found; North America USA / Length; 27 m / Weight; 10-25 t / Food: Plants / Young: Eggs / Lived; Late Jurassic 161-146 mya 


Diplodocus and close relatives such as Apatosaurus and Barosaurus were the dominant plant eaters among the late Jurassic dinosaur communities of North America. Five almost complete skeletons of Diplodocus have been found in the United States from Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Montana. At the end of the 19th century hundreds of crates containing bones of the “Double-beam Lizard” were sent back to the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. You can see beautiful replicas of the complete skeleton in major museums throughout the world.
Diplodocus was a very long, quite slim sauropod. It had a remarkably long neck and a long, slender, whip-like tail. It stood tail, on long front legs, and it could stretch its long, horse-like head up to reach 10-12 m above the ground in search of soft vegetation from the treetops. The peg-like teeth occur only in the front of the mouth. Surprisingly, compared with giant sauropods such as Argentinosaurus, Diplodocus was a lightweight. Huge tendons attached to its backbone enabled Diplodocus to hold both its neck and its tail high off the ground.
The Jurassic dinosaur communities of North America. Five almost complete skeletons of Diplodocus have been found in the United States from Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Montana. At the end of the 19th century hundreds of crates containing bones of the “Double-beam Lizard” were sent back to the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. You can see beautiful replicas of the complete skeleton in major museums throughout the world.
Diplodocus was a very long, quite slim sauropod. It had a remarkably long neck and a long, slender, whip-like tail. It stood tail, on long front legs, and it could stretch its long, horse-like head up to reach 10-12 m above the ground in search of soft vegetation from the treetops. The peg-like teeth occur only in the front of the mouth. Surprisingly, compared with giant sauropods such as Argentinosaurus, Diplodocus was a lightweight. Huge tendons attached to its backbone enabled Diplodocus to hold both its neck and its tail high off the ground.






英文読み方: ヴェロシラプター vel-oss-ee-rap-tor
恐竜名意味: Fast Robber

Saurischia/ Theropodoa/ Tetanurae/ Manuraptora/ Deinonychosauria
Family: Dromaeosauridae
First Described:1924 /Found: Asia,Russia, Mongolia, China /
Length: 2m / Weight: 15kg
Food: Meat / Young: Eggs / Lived: Late Cretaceous 70-65mya

Several skeletons of this small aggressive theropod have been found across Asia.They include adults and young.Velociraptor was brought to life in the film Jurassic Park when it pitted its wits against a host of terrified humans.Typically, Velociraptor was an agile, fast running hunter.It had quite a long, narrow head with very sharp, backward-curving teeth.ln modern animals, such as poisonous snakes, teeth like these enable the predator to hold on tightly to a struggling victim.
 Actual Velociraptors are much smaller than the ones that starred in the film, and their tails were rigid rather than whip-like.One of the specimens found in Mongolia seems to have died during a raid on the nest of the small-horned Protoceratops.
The two animals are locked in an embrace of death and the protective mother probably surprised the cunning raider as it attempted to steal her eggs or hatchlings.Strangely, both were entombed forever by a desert sand-storm, the dagger-like claws of Velociraptor still deeply buried in the remains of Protoceratops.






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