エドモントサウルス Edmontosaurus オーストラリア恐竜大陸




世界共通発音:エドモントソーラス Ed-mont-oh-saw-rus
命名意味:Edmonton Lizard

Ornithischia / Genasauria / Cerapoda / Ornithopoda / Iguanodontia
/ Family: Hadrosauridae
/ First Descrived: 1917 / Found: North America: Canada, USA
/ Length: 13m / Weight: 3t
/ Food: Plants / Young: Eggs
/ Lived: Late Cretaceous 70-66 mya

Edmontosourus may have been the biggest of the duck billed dinosaurs (hadrosaurs). It was a flat headed or non crested type that closely resembled its ancestors, the iguanodontids.
Bactrosaurus seems to have been the link between the two families. The hadrosours are thought to have been the last of the major groups of dinosaurs to Appear in the fossil record. But, during the final episode of the Late Cretaceous, they evolved in spectacular fashion to give rise to the flat headed and crested forms.
Edmontosourus was a herding animal that lived during Late Cretaceous times Ground an inland sea in what is now western North America. The climate varied with the seasons but basically it was warm and quite wet. Huge forests bordered the wetland areas and broad open plains supported many herds of ornithopod dinosaurs.
Edmontosaurus's head was large and had a flattened, duck billed snout. There were nearly a thousand teeth in the upper and lower jaws.
They were arranged in batteries (flattened rows) that formed a crushing surface similar to that of the huge cheek teeth of a modern elephant. A long tongue helped the animal gather its food.









このページは、T-REXが2007年12月17日 13:04に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「エドモントニア Edmontonia オーストラリア恐竜大陸」です。

次のブログ記事は「エイニオサウルス Einiosaurus オーストラリア恐竜大陸 」です。


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