コエロフィシス Coelophysis オーストラリア恐竜大陸





英文読み方: シーロフィシス see-loh-fy-sis
恐竜名意味:Hollow Form

Saurischia / Theropoda / Neotheropoda / Family; Coelophysidae / First Discovered 1881 / Found; North America USA / Length; 3 m / Weight; 20-30 kg / Food Meat / Young Eggs / Lived; Late Triassic 228-200 mya

The name “Hollow Farm” aptly describes this small, hollow-boned Theropod dinosaur. Known initially from a few bones found in Arizona. Coelophysis attained great fame in 1947, when the renowned American paleontologist Edwin Colbert (1905-2001) discovered about a hundred skeletons at the Ghost ranch in New Mexico. From the skeletons, it seems that the animals may have drowned during a flash flood, when torrents of floodwater, mud and boulders thundered down the valley after very heave rein.
This dramatic find showed that large numbers of these small, meat-eating, scavenging dinosaurs lived in the same area and that the population included males and females. The skeletons of young animals were found inside some adults, so could Coelophysis have given birth to live young or cold it has been a cannibal. All dinosaurs laid eggs so Coelophysis must have eaten its own kind. Four long fingers and four long toes show that Coelophysis was more advanced than either Eoraptor or Herrerasaurus. The fourth finger was also shortened, so it seems that Coelophysis had advanced one stage closer to having three-digit limbs.

大きさ比較:CoelopysisSize.JPG         ________________________________




竜盤目 / 獣脚形亜目 / 新獣脚下目 / コエロフィシス科
発見年:1881年/ 産地:北米・アメリカ/ 全長:約3メートル/ 体重:20~30キログラム/ 食性:肉/ 繁殖形態:卵生/ 時代:三畳紀後期、2億2800万~2億万年前






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